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Standardized format for traffic data exchange

DATEX II is an electronic language and standard for the exchange of traffic and travel data to deliver a comprehensive information service to the end user. Designed by a European task force, DATEX II is supposed to standardise the interface between traffic management and information centres. The project organisation of DATEX II consisting of the Steering Group (SG), a Stakeholder Advisory Board (STAB) and the Technical Management Group (TMG) is responsible for maintaining and further developing the standard and adapting the corresponding data exchange protocol to current web service technologies. The DATEX II organisation provides the road operators and data providers with documentation, UML model, XML tools and user support to be able to exchange relevant data in a homogenous way. Concerning content, the project organization focuses on the standards compatibility with the EU delegated acts, location referencing schemes, (urban) traffic management and cooperative ITS (C-ITS) solutions. 

DATEX II has already been successfully used for operational traffic data exchange for several years with a network of 50 to 60 nodes used for both, national and international exchange. An interactive community of ITS experts from all over Europe is working on adapting the standard to the changed traffic and technological conditions. A first version of DATEX II, version 1.0, was already made available by the end of 2006 followed by a more stable version 2.0 in July 2009, whose model evolved until version 2.3. A third version was submitted for standardization in December 2016.

Datex II is a multi-part standard maintained by CEN Technical Committee 278, Road Transport and Traffic Telematics. The first six parts of the CEN DATEX II series CENT/TS 16157 have already been approved as Technical Specifications from 2011 to 2015. The first three parts and a seventh part of the CEN DATEX II series are under approval as European standards.

Activities are supported by DATEX II Programme Support Action (PSA) for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) for Roads Agreement MOVE/C3/SUB/2015_547/CEF/PSA/SI2.733309 RWS by the European Commission and Connection European Facility (CEF).


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